Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

legendary guitarist of the world

by twinz74

His career is very short trip, but his name has resonance is very long. Even to this day. He is Jimi Hendrix. Not until age 28 years, but still adored even though he had long died. Born in King Country Hospital, Seattle, Washington on 27 November 1942
born with the name Johnny Allen Hendricks. He was eldest son Alex Hendricks pair of Afro-American and Mexican Lucille, a Cherokee Indian. Is the name of his mother, who then at the age of 4 years the name was changed by his father to be James Marshall Hendrix Hendrick

In the morning, 18 September 1970, his girlfriend, Monika Dannemann, can not wake them, the results of the inquest the cause of death as suffocation due to inhalation of vomit. the others have claimed either overdose of drugs or suicide, but this is still in debate.

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